Osseous Surgery A Guide to Treating Advanced Gum Disease

Osseous surgery is the surgical procedure of working directly on the bone, and is part of the orthopedic and reconstructive medicine field. It is about the management or correction of the human skeletal system ranging from fracture, deformity or loss of one or several bony elements. Admittedly, the principles of osseous surgery are both technical and relatively easy to understand, but the story in human terms is dramatic and touches the core of every human being, don’t you think so? In this article, the author defines osseous surgery, its uses, and potential patient’s emotional state after the surgery.  

 A transitional piece: The Significance of Osseous Surgery 

 Most fundamentally, osseous surgery is implant surgery with the intent to freely reconstruct the skeletal system’s integrity and function. Bones are not simply appendages that define the skeletal structure; it is functional units that form part of the organisms’ body. When bones are affected by injury, disease or congenital anomalies, this has a bearing in functional capacity as well as on one’s well being. Osseous surgery is meant to treat such problems and assist people to ambulate, reduce suffering, and increase their quality of life. 

 Some of the osseous surgery applications include the following; 

 Osseous surgery has many forms and is very individual based on the pathologies of the patient and the expectation of the clinician. If a bone is fractured, the doctor may need to operate and adjust the broken pieces in their correct position as well as fix the bone. Deformities which are contractual or those resulting from congenital or disease processes may necessitate realignment as well as actual functional correction. If a large amount of bone has been deficient because of trauma, infection or disease then reconstructive surgery may be indicated. 


 Osseous surgery does not only refer to a physical procedure but it is a patients’ experience full of hope, concern, and striving for a change. Thus, the emotions of many patients depend on the presence of surgery: they get both happy and worried. On one hand, there is hope for improvement in chronic pain or change of a functional limitation. On the other hand there may be concerns about the surgery which includes inverted com. dotmailer. com, any complications related to it and the process of rehabilitation. 

 Preparing for Surgery: Fitness For Physical And Emotional Tasks 

The planning for the operation of osseous surgery has physical as well as psychological factors. Some of the tasks that patients may require include imaging and blood tests before surgery. Also, patients may be advised to change their lifestyle in some way, they may be recommended to take certain diets or quit smoking for the sake of speedy recovery. On the emotional aspect, there is always the need to calm worries that patients may have about the surgery. This may involve talking with the surgical team, learning about the recovery process and then, mobilizing support. The encouragement of family, friends and related healthcare professionals can be of great morale boosters as well as prepare the patients. 

The Recovery Process 

Osseous surgery is a significant process in the treatment, and the period of healing is equally significant in terms of physical as well as psychological processes. Recovery process can take some time and depends on the type of surgery, the presence of other diseases and the general health of the patient. One can safely conclude that pain management is an important part of the process.  It is also necessary to make the follow-up visits to the surgical team to assess the statuses of the healing and to consult regarding possible aversive outcomes. 

Embracing the New Normal 

Once they start their recovery process patients are subjected to a new lifestyle that they never imagined. Osseous surgery is not only on physical level but it brings a ray of hope as well to the patient and his outlook towards life. The Locally Controlled Solution does involve increased function and decrease in pain for many patients and the ability to do things may greatly improve the quality of their lives.  


Surgical interventions involving the bones are an important component of the treatment offered by the specialties of orthopedics and reconstructive medicine, it creates a chance to change the condition of a person through the procedures giving him or her a possibility to influence the state of bones. This paper describes the process of going through surgery and recovering as a very personal experience enriched with the feelings of hope, anxiety and personal strength. Only when we come to comprehend the importance of osseous surgery on the one hand, and the emotional process which is inseparable from it

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