If you are planning a baby through IVF then be careful of pollution, new research reveals

Pollution Impact on Pregnancy: It has become common to resort to IVF for baby planning, but do you know that if couples want to become parents through this method, then they should stay away from pollution? Let's know everything about the research done on this.

Pollution Impact on Pregnancy: Every married couple dreams of becoming parents. Those who are unable to become parents through natural methods, resort to IVF. IVF has brought a new hope for couples, which helps in becoming parents. This is a scientific method, with the help of which husband and wife can become parents. However, IVF came many years ago, with its help common people and celebrities also become parents. A new study has revealed that those who are planning pregnancy, especially with the help of IVF, it is important for them to stay away from pollution. Let's know why.

What does the study say?

Researchers at Emory University in America have done this research, in which they found that exposure to outdoor air pollution affects the development of human embryo. According to research, when a woman's ovaries are produced or men produce sperm, if they are exposed to more pollution at that time, then it has a negative impact on them. After this, the foetus is not able to develop properly. Pollution contains carbon particles which are not visible but enter the body through air. Harmful particles of pollution affect reproductive health.

How was it found out?

The research team included 915 people in their investigation. After examining their testing samples, it was found that the sperm quality of those who were exposed to air pollution was worse than the rest. All these men wanted to become fathers through IVF.

Be careful

The experts in the research team said that those who are planning pregnancy should also check their area and the level of pollution there before going for IVF. One should try to live in a clean and pure environment.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Please speak with the relevant expert before putting any suggestions into action.. Or meet your doctor

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