Two thin lines were visible in the nails of the woman, after examination this serious disease was detected

Before cancer occurs, many symptoms appear in the body, which should not be ignored. But sometimes cancer gives such signs, which are completely unusual. This woman from Ohio also showed such a symptom of cancer in her hands, which was shocking.

Cancer Symptoms: Cancer is a deadly disease, which is affecting many people around the world. This disease starts showing some symptoms in the body even before it occurs, with the help of which it can be easy to confirm cancer. But sometimes there are some signs of cancer, which if we do not understand in time, then it can gradually grow so much that it can be difficult to get a diagnosis. These are such subtle symptoms, which people probably consider a common problem or do not consider related to the disease. Cancer cells were growing in the thumb of a woman from Ohio. You will be surprised to know how she came to know about this. Actually, two blue stripes were visible in the woman's thumb, which she ignored for a long time, but after paying attention and getting it checked, she was shocked to know that those lines were nothing but a sign of cancer. Let's know everything about this.

How was cancer detected?

The woman came to know about cancer when she reached the hospital. Actually, whenever it comes to signs of nails, it is always believed that it tells about liver, kidney or blood related diseases, cancer in nails was not at all believable. 58-year-old Tagliamonte, based in Ohio City, US, used to go for manicure of her hands every month. In October 2024, she saw this mark on the nail and waited to see if this blue mark was visible on her thumb in the next month or not. Such stripes were visible on her thumb in the next month too, after which she got it checked.

Zero stage cancer

Tagliamonte had cancer in the thumb of his right hand. Actually, he had melanoma in the inner part of his nail. Melanoma is zero stage cancer. Stage zero melanoma, also known as melanoma in situ, means that cancer cells are confined to the epidermis and have not yet penetrated the deeper layers of the skin, meaning there is a high chance of survival. Some health reports suggest that in the year 2023, about 89,000 people were diagnosed with stage zero melanoma. The survival rate of this stage of cancer is also up to 98%.

How was the treatment done

Tagliamonte had to undergo a surgery on his thumb which lasted for 4 hours. It involved a whole team of doctors, including two main doctors. One doctor removed the nail, while the other, who was a skin specialist, removed the upper parts of the skin so that the cancer cells could be completely destroyed. However, after this surgery, Tagliamonte's life changed a lot because he was facing a lot of difficulties in doing daily tasks with a thumb without nails.

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