What negative effects do birth control pills have on women? What does research say?

Birth Control Pills Side Effects: Consumption of birth control pills has become quite common among women and young girls. Although you must have heard about the disadvantages of these medicines, some studies also claim that contraceptive pills are affecting the mental health of women.

Birth Control Pills Side Effects: Taking contraceptive pills has become common. This medicine is considered the easiest way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Do you know that excessive consumption of birth control pills can spoil the mental health of women. Yes, many researches done on this show that by eating these medicines, different types of hormones are released inside the brain, due to which women remain in stress and tension. However, the history of these pills is very old, these medicines have been taken by women for about 65 years, but women who take them repeatedly in short intervals of time are found to have signs of poor mental health. Let's know in detail.

What do health experts say?

The use of oral contraceptive pills was 39% between 2020-2021, which has decreased to 27% between 2021-2022, which indicates that these medicines have a negative effect among the people. Johannes Bitze, an expert at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, who has been researching gynecological diseases for the last 40 years, says that continuous intake of these medicines can cause problems of irritability and anxiety.

Why is the contraceptive pill deadly?

The potential harms of contraceptive pills are still being investigated. A research conducted in the year 2016 suggests that women who have taken pills containing estrogen and progesterone may have some negative effects on mental health in the next 6 months. Women who take only progestogen-only or 'mini-pill' have 80% more side-effects of these medicines. Another research conducted in the year 2023 shows that UK Biobank had collected big data, in which taking contraceptive pills causes poor mental health.

More risk for youth

According to BBC report, young girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are more prone to these problems. They take more of these combined pills, which cause mental health issues, restriction in physical growth and also difficulty in conceiving.

Disadvantages of contraceptive pills

Their consumption causes fluctuations in mood swings.

Consuming contraceptive pills improves blood circulation.

Contraceptive drugs reduce the level of a hormone called serotonin, which helps in performing cognitive functions.

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