Type 2 Diabetes is the disease which is a failure in metabolism and the use of sugars in energy. That very sugar we are talking about is glucose. This chronic disease comes with the development of a condition whereby there is absolute electrolyte imbalance, specifically high levels of glucose in the blood stream. Strive to low blood sugar level long term complications are disorders of the circulatory nervous and immune systems because of its effects on high blood sugar levels.
In type 2 diabetes there are in the first place two problems. Little or no insulin – a hormone that signals the cell to take in the glucose – is produced by the pancreas. And so, the cells become insulin resistant and the uptake of glucose is decreased. This was formerly called the adult-onset diabetes: today for both types one and two, they can be evidenced at childhood and during adulthood. Type 2 is most frequent in elderly patients, accordingly. However, today more children have type two DIABETES because the number of children who experience abuse leading to obesity is on the rise.
Because of this most of the symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes are normally asymptotic and may take a long while to manifest. You could, in fact, have type 2 diabetes for several years and not even realize it.
• Hand or foot weakness
• Moles, ideally those around the armpits or the neck and could be any part of the body.
• Muscle, fat, and the liver cells become insulin resistant, Consequently, the cells fail to draw glucose into their tissue
• This organ requires more of the substance, known as insulin, to normalize the blood glucose level. As to why this occurs, the authors under consideration seem to have no clear understanding. Lack of physical activity is regarded as having severe impact and Obesity is also listed as one of the main risk factors.
How Insulin Works
While essay on insulin; it important to know that insulin is a hormone that comes from the pancreas – an organ that is found just below and behind the belly.
• When sugar is in the blood stream, the device pulls out insulin from the pancreas.
• Insulin is cross linked in the blood stream and thus able to pull sugar into the cells.
• It also causes decrease in blood sugar, that is, blood sugar lows or blood sugar reduces in the blood.
• As a result of this, the pancreas produces little hormones especially insulin. GLUCOSE– a sugar– is one of the chief sources of energy for the cells of muscles and other tissues.
• It is found that glucose penetrates the bloodstream and with the assistance of insulin gets into the cells.
• The liver has the capacity to store glucose as well as producing it from another compound.
In type 2 diabetes this process does not happen as it should. As with most diseases the cells should be entered while the sugar molecules circulate in the blood and that, ladies and gentlemen, is called type 2 diabetes. For example, when the concentration of blood glucose rises, the pancreas releases more of insulin. In the course of the disease, beta cells of the pancreas that secreted insulin are impaired and they release only small doses of insulin to meet the body’s needs.
Risk Factors
Factors that may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes include:
• Weight. It can be considered that the main cause of getting this disease is obesity.
• Fat distribution. It is up to men to tell whether if they are at higher risk or not by developing fats around the abdominal regions contrary to around the hips and thighs. It is stated that subjects with abdominal obesity, where the waist circumference of the man exceeds 40 inches (101.6cm) and women’s waist circumference is more than 35 inches (88.9 cm) run the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Exercise helps in controlling weight, helps in regulating carbohydrate storage and makes it easier for cells to react to insulin.
• Family history. Further, type 2 can arise if one or both their parents or one or more of the siblings have the disease.
• Race and ethnicity. There is a little doubt why people of certain color and race are more prone to develop the type 2 diabetes than white people are; these are the black people, Hispanics natives, American Indians, Asians & pacific islanders.
• Blood lipid levels. A risk factor is low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL-C or ‘‘good’’ cholesterol; high levels of triglycerides.
• Age. An important point to make is that for type 2 diabetes, the rate increases with age especially when one is 35 years and above.
• Prediabetes. Prediabetes is a kind of health disease that causes the blood glucose level of the human being is larger compared to standard level but not equal to the level of diabetes. In case of non-control of the prediabetes it usually brings about type 2 diabetes.
Pregnancy-related risks. Some of the other factors that may increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes include; You had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant & you gave birth to a baby that weighed more than 9pounds or 4kilograms.
Sum Up!
Sometimes or at least time to time make sure that you are okay or your overall health. It turns out, the love from the self is the most needed thing in the life!
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