World Sleeping Day: Sleep plays a very important role in our lives. If the sleeping cycle is not correct, it can affect your productivity. It has the greatest impact on mental health. Let's know from the experts about the ways to improve the quality of sleep.
World Sleeping Day: People need to maintain a good lifestyle to stay healthy. A good lifestyle also includes sleep. If our sleep is incomplete, not only the body but also mental health will be affected. Some people regularly get adequate sleep of 8 hours but still lag behind in productivity. The reason for this is not the 8 hours of sleep but the time at which those 8 hours of sleep are taken. By not getting proper sleep, you will be upset, irritated and confused. All these factors weaken your ability to work. Let's know the opinion of experts on this.
What do experts say?
Dr. Manjusha Agarwal, Senior Consultant at Gleneagles Hospital in Parel, Mumbai, while talking to Hindustan Times, tells that the sleeping cycle is getting affected due to wrong lifestyle habits. This also includes spending time on mobile or laptop for a long time. Actually, if night sleep is not taken on time, then it slows down the energy source of our body.
Why does this happen?
Every year World Sleeping Day is celebrated on 15th March. This day is celebrated to tell that sleep is an important basis for health. In such a situation, it is important for you to know how the sleep cycle can be correct. Many times people sleep for 7 to 8 hours but still remain tired throughout the day. Doctors say that the time to sleep at night is 10 o'clock. If someone sleeps at 10 o'clock and then wakes up between 4 to 6 in the morning, then he will be healthy and will remain healthy throughout the day. But nowadays people spend hours on the phone at night and then sleep for 8 hours. But in this people sleep at 2 or 3 in the night and wake up at 8 or 9 in the morning, which is not a healthy sleeping cycle.
These 3 tips will help
1. Sleeping schedule- To get proper and adequate sleep, you have to fix your sleeping time, which you have to follow daily. Actually, by making a schedule, our body will adapt that practice in daily life and will keep you fit.
2. Reduce screen time- Stay away from phone and screen 1-2 hours before sleeping because being exposed to blue light for a long time disturbs both body and mind.
3. Caffeine and heavy meals- What you eat is also important for a good sleep. Dinner should be light weight so that it can be easily digested. Drinking coffee and tea at night should also be avoided as these things can increase sleeping issues.
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