Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is a time to work together against breast cancer, and create a world where no one needs to fear this disease. You have probably come across a breast cancer awareness month, or it may have been on your horizon. Throughout the month, we aim to raise attention on breast cancer and emphasize the life saving value of mammograms as the most effective screening method. Throughout this month, we have the power to provide the public with knowledge about the different versions of cancer, the crucial benefits of screening and the innovations in medical research. Almost 12 percent of women suffer from breast cancer in the USA. It is responsible for about forty thousand deaths per year. Let’s discuss all about cancer awareness month.


Mankind has been aware of breast cancer for thousands of years. Breast cancer has been a chronic health concern throughout human history, with ancient records describing its effects. The clear manifestations especially at later stages, the formation of lumps which lead to tumors have been reported by physicians. This is because the breast lumps generally become apparent, unlike other cancers. Mastectomy was also a good treatment in the eighteenth  and nineteenth centuries. In the twentieth century, radiation therapy for breast cancer patients came forward as the best treatment. At that time, the treatments offered by the physicians were herbal remedies and magical spells. Advanced forms of therapies have come up with time, for example hormone therapy that developed during the late 1950s-60s after it was established that there was a connection between hormones and breast cancer. At the end of 1980”s  lumpectomy emerged as a breast cancer surgery.

Pink Ribbon Awareness

A pink ribbon denotes awareness of breast cancer. Pink Ribbon Sunday Mammography Awareness Program is an initiative taken by the FDA Office of Women’s Health to educate people so that they can detect the early symptoms of cancer through mammograms. The African American and Hispanic churches were mainly focused on Pink Ribbon Sunday. The aim was to create awareness on the importance of getting mammograms and also teach women about how their breasts should look.


Cancer results in a considerable number of deaths. Many people get cancer (19 million each year) and many die from it (10 million each year) leaving countless individuals and families affected by its impact. Awareness through campaigns and educating people can save lives and empower communities. These campaigns not only give awareness about the preventive measures and diligence but also encourage women that are suffering from breast cancer. Although breast cancer can be unpredictable, knowledge-based decisions can aid in lowering the risk of this cancer. Early detection is still the most effective tool in improving cancer impacts despite ongoing research and advancements. This is essential because breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the US, making it an extensive health concern.

Cancer Awareness Month plays a vital role in

  • Providing Support: By supporting cancer patients and their loved ones with compassion, resources, and support to ease the burden of the journey.

  • Encourage wellness: Care for your body by living a balanced life that has good food, exercise and being responsible for your health.

  • Promote Research: Cancer research donations are crucial for the development of new treatments and, consequently, finding the cure for this life-damaging disease that affects millions worldwide.

  • Educate the Public: Share cancer risks, symptoms, and screenings to help make healthier populations.

Breast Cancer Symptoms which You cannot Ignore

Symptoms for breast cancer are not the same for every person. While, some people do not have any signs or symptoms. Regular breast exams and mammograms are crucial so that anyone can detect breast cancer before the appearance of the main symptoms. Let’s discuss the main symptoms of breast cancer

  • A palpable mass also known as lump or the abnormal skin texture that may be different from neighboring tissue. 

  • Inflation or thickening of all or any part of the breast

  • Change in colour and size or appearance of the breast

  • Flakiness, redness or dryness of the nipple or the breast skin

  • The breast skin becomes darker than the other skin, or it could seem red or purple.

  • The nipple discharge may be yellowish or bloody, other than breast milk

  • Pain in breast tissues and breast tenderness

How Can I Lower My Risk?

A lot of factors contribute to breast cancer such as growing older and genetic history of ancestors. To mitigate the risk of breast cancer, we should include these factors in our lifestyle

  • Engage yourself in different physical activities and proper physical activities to avoid breast cancer.

  • Avoid overconsumption of alcohol to minimize potential health risks.

  • Refrain from smoking and avoid passive smoking may decrease the risk of cancer.

  • Breastfeed your children, if it is possible

  • Consult your doctor properly if you have a genetic link to breast cancer.

  • A Proper and balanced diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer.


We can We can guess the importance of breast cancer awareness month by celebrating for those victims that are diagnosed with breast cancer and defeating this lethal disease. An event is held annually to commemorate those people who are fighting and beating this disease, known as Pink Ribbon Day. A number of activities are done on this day, such as collecting funds and holding public gatherings to teach people about breast cancer. Wearing a pink ribbon and spreading awareness against this disease. This day is celebrated worldwide, and a number of community events are held to educate women. Mammograms are offered at discounted prices by healthcare providers on this day.


To conclude, breast cancer is a fatal disease but it can be overcomed with compassion, innovation and persistence. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a day to collaborate with the community and take action against cancer. You can contribute to this month by raising awareness and offering funds to cancer patients. We should work together to fight this disease and create a future where no one has the fear of breast cancer. If you make efforts, you can save lives and create a world without a life-threatening disease. A proper check up can diagnose this disease in its early stages, so if you observe unusual things including the formation of lumps, discharge of any fluid or changing in color or size of breast, do consult your doctor. Let us make this month an opportunity to diminish this disease entirely.

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