Water Benefits: Everyone knows that drinking water is important, but it is important to drink water at the right time. Drinking it provides hydration to the body, but why is water important for our brain? Let's know about the revelations made in research.
Water Benefits: If the brain works properly, then there is no problem in life. Brain functions are called cognitive functions. You must know why it is important to drink water, but the time to drink water is also an important term. If you drink water in the morning, it also improves mental health. Water works as hydration, but drinking water also keeps the brain healthy. A research on water has revealed this reality. The impact of our habits is important because it keeps us mentally and physically fit.
Why is water important?
Water is essential for the body. It is the only natural source of minerals that maintain hydration and electrolytes balance, but water is also considered important for the brain. Especially the timing of drinking water. A research conducted in the International Journal of Environmental Research in the year 2019 explains why water is important for brain health.
What does the research say?
Research shows that water helps in maintaining the body's hydration level as well as cognitive functions. To look at cognitive activities, 12 men were included in this investigation, who were dehydrated. They were first kept hungry overnight for 12 hours and a baseline test was done in the morning. After this, these people were not given water for 36 hours and were fed 3 times on the third day. After this, their baseline test was done again on the fourth day. In this entire study, it was found that without water, more mental problems have been seen than physical weakness. In these, problems of short term memory were seen, poor memory was observed and lack of focus was also observed.
Why is it necessary to drink water in the morning?
Research neurologists say that drinking water in the morning affects fatigue and mental health due to lack of hydration overnight. Hydration contributes to attention, responsive nature and memory. On the other hand, if tea and coffee are drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, it causes dehydration and unhealthy mental health.
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