Overview – Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is defined as the unchecked growth and proliferation of defective and abnormal cells in the layers of the wall of the cervix. The cervix is a part of the female reproductive system and links the uterus with the vagina. The cervix is also known as “the birth canal.
How Cervical Cancer Occurs
Cell division is regulated and controlled in all cells of the body by the cell’s DNA. Cell DNA holds all guidelines and instructions for cell division. Sometimes this control is not regulated due to changes in the cell DNA.
This results in uncontrolled and unregulated division in the cells. The body doesn’t need all these cells. If these continue to grow and proliferate in the body, an unwanted clone of cells like a tumor is formed. Such cells can invade surrounding tissue and sometimes also invade another part of the body cells. If this process happens in the cervix cell this will cause cervical cancer.
The main cause of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is transmitted by sexual contact. HPV doesn’t affect some people and causes no complications. But in some, it is the major reason that leads them to cervical cancer.
Smoking enhances the risk of cervical cancer. If smoking people have HPV, there is more probability of having cervical cancer. Because in smoking people the HPV remains for long lasting time and causes cervical cancer.
Weak immune system
A weak immune system is vulnerable to HPV and thus it can cause cervical cancer.
The symptoms of cervical cancer are given below:
Vaginal bleeding after menopause
Vaginal bleeding during periods
Menstrual bleeding that is unusual and heavier than normal menstrual bleeding
Pain during intercourse
Vaginal discharge has a nasty odor
Pelvic pain
If cervical cancer has spread in the body it may have symptoms like:
· Abdominal pain
· Swelling of legs
· Feeling fatigued
· Urine in the blood
· Pain during urination
If some person has all the symptoms that are described above he should consult certain institutions that detect cervical cancer.
The diagnoses are done by:
Pap Test
In pap test cells of the cervix is seen through microscope. If abnormalities are found further testing is done.
In this method the cell of the cervix is observed by the colposcopy by using a Colposcope. A colposcope is magnifying equipment. It magnifies and enlarges the cervical cells. If cervical cells are found abnormal then a sample of cervical tissue cells is taken and then sent to a laboratory for further testing.
We can follow procedures to take the sample of cervical cells.
It is a procedure in which a sample of cells or tissue is removed and then sent to a laboratory for examination.
Punch Biopsy
In this procedure, the sample of tissue is taken by an instrument having a round top.
Endocervical Curettage
In this procedure, a small amount of tissue is removed by scraping the lining of the cervix with an equipment called curettage. It is spoon-shaped like a tool.
Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP)
In this procedure, a thin loop wire is for cutting cervical tissues. A thin loop wire is heated by electricity.
Cone Biopsy
In this type of biopsy, a cone-shaped tissue is removed from the cervix using a scalpel. This method can be used to cure cancer by removing pre-cancerous cells from the cervix.
Imaging Tests
If the cancer is confirmed then further test is done to detect the dissemination of disease in various parts of the body. These tests are:
CT scan
In this procedure, x-rays and computers are used for the observation and examination of cross-sectional images of different parts of the body i.e. Tissues, organs, and vessels.
In this procedure, magnetism and radio waves are used to make images of organs, tissues, and bones.
X- Rays
In this procedure, radiation is used for the production of images.
Various methods are used for the treatment of cervical cancer such as:
Radiation therapy
In this therapy high-energy beam is used to kill cancerous cells. This energy can be produced from x-rays or protons.
In chemotherapy, certain drugs and medicines are used for the elimination of cancerous cells.
Targeted therapy
This therapy includes the destruction of cancer cells by using certain medicines. These medicines target only cancerous cells. The medicines that are used during this therapy inhibit the synthesis of only those proteins and chemicals that cause cancer cells.
This therapy includes the use of certain medicines that stimulate and trigger the immune system to identify and kill cancerous cells.
Types of Cervical Cancer
There are two types of cervical cancer:
Squamous cell carcinoma: It happens in the flat and slim cells that are present at the bottom of the cervix.
Adenocarcinoma: It occurs in the glandular cells that make up the upper portion of the cervix.
We have discussed the topic “cervical cancer”. We read symptoms, causes, tests and diagnoses, treatment, and types of cervical cancer. There are several methods for the treatment of cervical cancer using which it can be cured. We should adopt healthy measures to avoid diseases.
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