Disease X is a threat to the whole world, a new epidemic Disease X, WHO warns

Disease X: After monkeypox and Marburg virus, the threat of another disease is looming over the world. Actually, a disease called Disease X is spreading rapidly in Africa, due to which more than 140 patients have died. The World Health Organization (WHO) had issued an alert about this disease 7 months ago. Due to less information available, most people are unaware of this disease.

How dangerous is disease X?

This disease was detected in the year 2018. However, information about how this infection is spreading has not been found, which is the biggest concern of scientists.

Who is more at risk of Disease X

The Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa has reported the most cases of this disease, most of which are children. According to the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, so far 386 cases have been reported, out of which about 200 patients are children under 5 years of age.

It is believed that this disease spreads from the breath of an infected person to another. Some medicines have been sent to Africa by WHO, so that this disease can be prevented from spreading.

What are the symptoms of Disease X

– High fever

– Unnecessary severe headache

– Pain in the muscles of the body

– Difficulty in breathing

How to protect yourself from Disease X

- Avoid going to infected areas.

-If you notice any flu-like symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

-Do not eat without washing hands and wash your hands thoroughly after coming home from outside.

-Do not be careless about your eating habits.

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