Pre-Diabetes Signs: Diabetes is a disease in which the insulin level in our body is not balanced. In pre-diabetes, such signs are seen that if not understood in time, then you may get type-2 diabetes.
Pre-Diabetes Signs: Diabetes is such a disease that once someone gets it, the body starts deteriorating slowly. However, if the sugar level increases in the blood, then many problems can occur. Even before diabetes occurs, the body starts giving some signals, which if not understood in time, increase the chances of diabetes. Pre-diabetes is the same condition in which the sugar level is at a level where more than normal amount of sugar is found inside the blood. This is mainly a common sign of type-2 diabetes.
Dr Naveen Agarwal, who is an expert in cardio and heart disease, says that India is a diabetes capital. Here people do not have much knowledge about the causes of diabetes and about the early signs. Therefore, they should understand the symptoms. These signs of pre-diabetes are seen at night.
Signs visible at night
1. Night Sweats- Signs of high blood sugar may include sweating at night. One should avoid ignoring this sign.
2. Tingling in Legs- It is not common to have tingling in your legs at night. This is a direct symptom of high blood sugar level i.e. pre-diabetes.
3. Restless Sleeps- If you are having trouble sleeping at night, then this is also a symptom of pre-diabetes. This happens due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
4. Blurry Vision- If you see blurry at night, then this is also a sign of increased blood sugar level in the body. Difficulty in seeing distant objects is also a sign of sugar.
5. Hunger at Night- Waking up suddenly due to hunger at night. Sometimes one feels hungry at night even after having a sufficient dinner. Due to this, sometimes body weight also increases.
What to do?
It is important to manage weight.
Take a healthy diet, which includes legumes, whole grains and vegetables.
Reduce the intake of sugar-based foods.
Avoid smoking.
Exercise and keep a proper sleeping time.
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