Does aspirin prevent cancer from spreading? Know what the new study says

Many researches are done for the treatment of cancer. Recently a new research has come out in which the use of aspirin has been considered effective in fighting cancer. However, it has also been made clear that aspirin is not a cure for cancer.

Aspirin Tablet in Cancer: Aspirin has been used as a pain reliever for a long time. New research has shown that this medicine can also be used for cancer. Earlier also, the use of aspirin and prevention of cancer was revealed. In this new study, a warning has also been given along with the benefits of aspirin. In which it was said that aspirin is not a cure, it can also increase the risk of internal bleeding. Know what else has been said in the new study?

Relation between cancer and aspirin

Many studies come out regarding the treatment of a disease like cancer. One of which is a recent study from Cambridge University. This study said that aspirin, a medicine used for pain, can also prove helpful in preventing the spread of cancer. For decades, researchers have been trying to find out whether it will work the same way in all diseases or not. The first study published in 1988 showed that regular use of aspirin can significantly reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Recently a new study from Cambridge University came out. It said that a mechanism has been found in aspirin which can help in preventing cancer from spreading. This medicine can prove beneficial for metastasis.

When can it be used?

Most deaths occur from metastasis cancer, because cancer cells break away from the original tumor and try to take root in the body. During this time, the use of aspirin increases the body's natural fighting ability. Due to which cancer cells are unable to reach other body parts. Studies show that aspirin can be used after surgery, in which the tumor is removed.

This is done because cancer cells have already come out of the tumor, which start reaching other parts of the body. Due to which it later emerges as a tumor. During this time, the use of aspirin can prevent cancer from spreading again.

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