health benefits of dry brushing

Dry brushing is one of the wonderful methods of skin care therapy, which can be characterized as rather popular in the ancient times, and rather unknown in the contemporary world until recently. From enhancing blood flow to giving your skin that healthy glow, here are other benefits you get from dry brushing that are not skincare related.  

 But let us first understand, what is dry brushing and how is this technique applicable? More importantly it is a question of whether it can deliver what it promises. In this article, we are going to discuss dry skin brushing and the good that comes with it, how to do it, etc. 

There are many advantages of dry brushing according to its advocates though it is said to be a superficial scrubbing method. What makes the practice is regarded to have a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, circulation, and can also fight cellulite. But here is the question: What do the professionals think of these benefits and how much of what you can achieve? 


Relaxing and Fresher Skin The Healthy Way to Bathe 

Boosting Circulation 

Another advantage which is often mentioned by supporters of dry brushing is the improvement of circulation. Thus, when you apply gentle pressure on the skin and stroke up then there is an increase in blood supply to the skin. More blood supply means that more oxygen and nutrients to the skin as well as removal of waste products. 

Stimulating the Lymphatic System 

 Lymphatic system also has a very important part in the body immunity through filtering of waste products and unwanted material. Dry brushing is considered to promote the improvement of the lymphatic system which helps to cleanse the body. 

 If you brush skin toward the heart, you can stimulate some lymph movement that’s pro-health, because lymphedema is magnified by poor circulation. As much as there are not many studies available which specifically show the effects of dry brushing on the lymphatic system, most of those who brush themselves regularly notice that they experience less bloating and fatigue. 


 Minimizing the Cells, or the Look of Cellulite 

 But being that cellulite has no known cure, some dry brushing enthusiasts state that it can help minimize the occurrence of cellulite. From the theory, point out that through circulation,the rubbing process of dry skin may help in reducing the fatty accumulation under the skin hence reducing cellulite’s rippled look. 


 Supporting Detoxification 

Dead skin cells are best eliminated and circulation enhanced hence dry brushing assists the skins to breathe and perform better as a detoxifying organ. 


 How to Introduce Dry Brushing into Your Daily schedule 

 Dry brushing is easy, but here are some pointers that will help anyone who wants to try it, understand how it should be done safely and properly. 

 Start Gently 

 However, when you start using the dry brush, you have to be soft on your skin especially if you are going to shower afterward. Wipe gently with the light pressure and increase the pressure as the skin tissue gets more sensitive to it. 

Brush Toward the Heart 

 Always go against the flow, you must brush your hair and start from the feet going up to the head. For the next part, you should move your hands following a course that is similar with your lymphatic system to facilitate circulation. Concerning your arms, you should exercise from the hands towards the upper region of the arms. Do not brush your face or any part of your body with skin that is inflamed or irritated in any manner. 

 Shower Afterward 

 After dry brushing is done, you should take a shower to wash off loose skin from your body. You may also wish to opt for a mild soap that has a moisturizing formula so as to make the skin smooth again. 



 To sum it up, after taking your shower you should use a good moisturizer or body lotion to further help in hydration. As with any overhauls you do to your skin, dry brushing can make your skin feel a bit dry; therefore, you need to moisturize it for a smooth finish. 


 Be Consistent 

 In order to get the desired outcome it is important to maintain the procedure as consistent as possible. Ideally, dry brush for two to three days in a week but always remember to understand your skin’s needs, if they get irritated or damaged try stopping and allowing the skin to regain its health


 Are There Any Downsides? 

In addition, one must not merely glide on the skin when the area that needs shaving is a sensitive skin – with a rash, for instance, or sunburned. 


Dry skin brushing is one of the most affordable methods to get a natural body massage, and to exfoliate your skin while increasing its circulation helping the body to detox. It can, however, help to enhance the skin over time not as a miracle cure to cellulite or any other skin problems that one may have. For instance, if you practice dry brushing on a daily basis, you will be able to get soft skin after sometime and have lively mornings. The only things you want to remind yourself are to be gentle, listen to your body and don’t forget to moisturize after brushing.

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