Health Tips Is there a lack of this vitamin in your food too Know what the dietitian says

Health Tips: If you are also troubled by the deficiency of vitamins and many nutrients, then it becomes very important to take any diet in the right manner.

Health Tips: Many people like to eat more and more to keep their body healthy, but do you know whether what you are eating is fulfilling the vitamin deficiency in your body or not? Many times we include all the things in our diet, but the vitamin deficiency in the body is not fulfilled. Dietician Prerna tells that there are some vitamins, whose deficiency remains in the body. Due to vitamin deficiency, you remain sick most of the time, premature ageing occurs and weakness starts appearing in the body. Along with this, your brain also becomes weak. Let us know what changes can be made in your diet to avoid this?

Which vitamin is more lacking?

Dietician tells that Vitamin D, A, B12, B9, Iron, Protein and Iodine are important nutrients in the body. Out of all these, Vitamin D is the most in people. Due to this, many types of problems are seen, such as sleeplessness, mouth related problems and weakening of bones.

Take dairy products

If there is a deficiency of vitamin D in your body, then definitely include dairy products in your diet. For this, you can take milk, curd and cheese in your diet. If there is a lot of deficiency of vitamin D in your body, then you can take supplements. Apart from this, definitely sit in the sun.

Take a diet rich in iron

Vitamin C is very important for the body to absorb iron. For this, you can drink a glass of lemon water along with food. This will remove blood deficiency and anemia in your body.

Folate deficiency

When a woman plans to give birth to a child, folate is most important, because it helps in cell generation, production of DNA and RNA. For this, you can eat green leafy vegetables and vegetables.

Protein deficiency

To fulfill the deficiency of protein, it is necessary to take protein in our diet. For this, you should keep in mind whether whatever you are eating from morning to night contains protein or not. For this, if you want, you can take dry fruits and cheese every day. This can keep away fatigue, weakness and many diseases.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Please speak with the relevant expert before putting any suggestions into action.. Or meet your doctor

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