Health Tips: Severe pain during periods can be a sign of illness! Know what doctors say

Health Tips: If you are also troubled by severe pain during periods, then do not ignore it. Sometimes this common problem can be the cause of a serious disease. Let's know what doctors say about this?

Health Tips: Women around the world are suffering from severe pain during periods. According to the doctor, this problem is often misdiagnosed or remains untreated for many years. British GP Dr. Asif Ahmed said that this therapeutic concern can be mistaken for endometriosis. This is a problem in which tissue resembling the lining of the uterus develops outside the uterus, which is often mistreated.

What could be the problem

He said that it is like endometriosis, but it is not. It can cause heavy and painful periods and one in 10 women suffer from it. It remains undiagnosed for many years. The doctor said that but I am seeing it more and more in ultrasound results and it is adenomyosis. In this, the muscle layer of the uterus develops. Adenomyosis is different from endometriosis because it does not spread to other parts of the body. Still, they are associated with very similar symptoms.

Period pain

Period pain is a common symptom. Other symptoms may appear at any point during the period, including pelvic pain, bloating or heaviness in the abdomen, and other problems. The direct cause of adenomyosis has not yet been studied, and its causes are largely unexplained. However, experts believe that it may be caused by a variety of problems. Such as not having more than one child or having children between the ages of 30 and 50. However, it can also appear in younger women.

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