Morning tea causes Fatty Liver! Expert tells this reason

Fatty Liver Causes: There are many reasons for liver diseases because these are lifestyle diseases. Problems like fatty liver occur due to some bad morning habits, one of them is drinking tea. Let us know what are the disadvantages of drinking tea in the morning.

Fatty Liver Causes: To stay healthy, we need to follow some good habits in the morning, because an unhealthy body greatly increases the risk of a person getting sick. Liver is that part of our body, with the help of which the body gets adequate nutrition from food. It is very important to keep its health right. If its functioning is weak, then you can have many types of liver diseases. One of the main reasons for fatty liver is this mistake done every day in the morning. This habit is of drinking tea. Ayurvedic experts tell which disease can be caused by drinking tea in the morning.

What do the experts say?

Ayurvedic expert Subhash Goyal has told in a podcast show that the tea we drink early in the morning is very harmful. Drinking it causes such a serious attack on our liver that its functioning gets affected. The risk of fatty liver problem is highest by drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning.

Why is morning tea harmful?

Actually, the tea that we drink everyday is full of tannin. Drinking it not only worsens gut health but also increases the risk of other diseases. The tannin present in tea has such an effect on the liver that it causes inflammation. Drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause gas, acidity and digestion problems.

What else is the reason?

According to health experts, consuming more processed foods in the morning can also cause fatty liver problems. Liver diseases can also occur due to white sugar or sugar-based breakfast. Drinking packaged juice is also harmful.

What to drink in the morning?

You can drink coconut water instead of tea on an empty stomach in the morning.

Drink herbal tea instead of milk tea.

Lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning is also beneficial.

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