Stones Causes: Stones are a common problem these days. Stones can occur in a person's kidney, bladder and gallbladder. Stones are a painful problem. Let's know from the experts why small stones are more dangerous than big ones.
Stones Causes: Due to poor eating habits and spoiled lifestyle, the problem of stones has become common. In the problem of stones, stones are formed in some parts of the body, due to which the patient suffers from severe pain. This pain is unbearable. Many times this pain does not get cured for several hours, after which the pain is relieved only with the help of medical help. Gallbladder stones are more painful than kidney stones. Kidney stones can be treated even without surgery, but gallstones are treated only with surgery. Dr. Manish Agarwal says that we need to be more careful with small stones, but why? Know.
What do experts say?
Max Healthcare's orthopedic oncologist consultant Dr. Manish Agarwal tells in the podcast show of Fit Rahe India that many theories and studies have been done regarding stones. He says that every theory tells different things like stones are being formed due to drinking less water or stones are being formed due to some food items. But all this is due to kidney stones, no concrete evidence of gallbladder stones has been found so far. People do not go for a checkup in gallstones unless they are bothered by stomach pain. Regarding gallstones, doctors say that in medical terms, small stones are more dangerous than big ones.
Why are small stones dangerous?
Doctors say that small stones are formed mostly in the gall bladder. The gall bladder is already a small organ of the internal body, if small stones are formed there, then they can go to the intestines. This can happen because a pipe-like part comes out of the gallbladder and is connected to the small intestine. Small stones can easily enter the intestine through that pipe, after which the situation becomes even more serious.
Serious disease can occur
Doctors say that this situation is very critical and out of control. Once the stones go to the intestine, then the patient can get different diseases like jaundice. Therefore, whenever there are stones in the gallbladder, its surgery should be done as soon as possible.
What is the treatment for gallstones?
The only treatment for gallbladder stones is surgery. Yes, doctors say that many people spread false rumours and rumors that gallstones can be cured by medicines or Ayurvedic and home remedies, but in medical science, there is only one treatment for this problem, which is surgery.
What is the difference between surgery for kidney stones and gallbladder stones?
Stones are formed in both these organs but their treatment is different, doctors say that in case of kidney stones, stones can be removed even without surgery, but in case of gallstones, surgery is necessary. Whereas, in kidney stones, stones are removed from the kidney, but in gallbladder, we have to get the entire gallbladder removed.
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