The Health Benefits of Apples

The Health Benefits of Apples

Apple is the most commonly eaten fruit in the world and is a great source of nutrition. Apples are We all hear this famous saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This advice is said because, apples are enriched with many dietary fibers, antioxidants, and vitamins that give numerous benefits to human health.

 Apples also help to prevent many diseases of which cardiovascular diseases are on the top. Many cardiovascular diseases can be cured from the consumption of apples. There are over 7500 different varieties of apples which all have different tastes and different nutritional properties. Out of which 2500 alone are cultivated in the United States only.

This article will discuss the nutrient-rich powerhouse, heart health benefits, Apples for Digestion and Gut Health, their Role in Weight Management, Blood Sugar Regulation, Diabetes Prevention, Benefits for Brain Health and Cognitive Function, Bone Health, and Oral Hygiene of apples.

Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse

There are many fibers, vitamins, minerals, and proteins present in an apple. A normal-sized apple contains the following amount of nutrients such as :

·         Fat 0.21g. 0.27%

·         Sodium 2mg. 0.09%

  • Carbohydrates 24g. 9%

  • Fiber 4g. 14%

  • Sugars 17.84g

  • Protein 0.43g

 Many people ask what is the most nutritious part of an apple? The answer is the skin of an apple is the most nutritious part of the apple. According to research, a fresh apple with its skin contains about 332% more vitamin K, 142% vitamin A 115% more vitamin C, 20% more calcium, and almost 19% more potassium than an apple without its skin. So don’t eat a peeled apple eat an apple with its skin which is more beneficial.

 Vitamin B-complex and vitamin C are also present in apples in rich amounts. Vitamin C is a natural powerful anti-oxidant that helps the human body resist infectious agents. Apples are also rich in fiber as discussed earlier so it can help to improve digestive health and feel the stomach full thus helping in weight loss.

Heart Health Benefits of Apples

Cardiovascular diseases can be prevented due to the consumption of dietary fibers which are present in apples. Apples have valuable effects on vascular function, hyperglycemia, and blood pressure. Daily consumption of apples can also reduce the risk of cancer. Cancer and heart disease are both cured by apple consumption which are the main causes of death across the world. Research shows that nearly 50,000 individuals, who consume apples daily were 13% to 22% less develop the diseases than those who skipped eating apples.

Soluble fibers: Apples are also rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fibers play a good role in maintaining a good healthy life span of the heart, by reducing the concentration of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Moreover, 5 to 10 grams daily consumption of this soluble fiber can lower the LDL cholesterol.

Polyphenols in apples: Apples also contain polyphenols which are antioxidants, they have many diverse functions like they slow down the process of production of fat and cholesterol which is one of the causes of heart disease also helping in improving plasma lipid profile, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Prevention of stroke: Research shows that apples also help in the prevention of stroke. Daily consumption of apples reduces the risk of stroke by up to 9%. Also, studies show that if a person eats 200 grams of apples daily which is equal to 2 small apples can reduce the risk of stroke to almost a third.

Apples for Digestion and Gut Health

Apples contain fibers that help in slow digestion, so you can feel yourself full for a longer time. Apples are low in calories so we can eat them as a healthy snack instead of cookies or candies etc which are higher in calories and hard in digestion.

Beneficial bacteria in the gut: Pectin is considered a prebiotic fiber, it can help in the growth of some beneficial bacteria in the gut which help in digestion. Gut bacteria also ferment soluble fiber which in return produces short-chain fatty acids like butyrate which keep the gut healthy and also prevent inflammation.

Prevent constipation: Apple is one of the fruits that contain a high amount of water and also have a high skin-to-flesh ratio so are fiber-rich which prevents constipation and regulates bowel movements.

Role in Weight Management: Many kinds of nutrients like fiber, minerals, vitamins, and also water. These healthy components of apples keep you full and prevent more calorie intake. So including the consumption of apples in your daily life can be useful for weight loss.

 Blood Sugar Regulation and Diabetes Prevention

Apples have the potential to reduce insulin resistance, which helps to lower the sugar levels in the blood. Apples contain polyphenols which are present in their skin and stimulate the pancreas to release the insulin and also help the cells to take the sugar. Studies show that people who eat apples daily have a lower risk of having diabetes.

Benefits for Brain Health and Cognitive Function

Many studies support that the consumption of apples daily can protect neuron cells from oxidative stress and also play an important role in decreasing the risk of many brain disorders like Alzheimer's. Apples can also increase the cognitive function and memory in both humans and animals.

Bone Health and Oral Hygiene due to Apple

·         Healthier gums: 15% of the daily intake of vitamin C included in apples. Which can keep the gums healthy. When the level of this vitamin decreases, your gums have greater chances of infections which also can lead to bleeding gums.

  • Apples are natural toothbrushes: apples act like natural toothbrushes when the fibrous texture and skin of the apple are being chewed it can stimulate your gums, reduction of cavity-causing bacteria, and increase the flow of saliva. Apples can also remove plaque from teeth.

  • Apples strengthen your bones. Apples include enough amount of potassium which is good for bone health also our teeth are made up of bones.


Apples have very good taste and are also called a nutritional powerhouse because they contain large amounts of nutrition. As mentioned above apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants which make apples a completely balanced diet. Apples have very beneficial effects on health they can prevent stroke and many types of heart diseases. Apples also help us to maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight gain. They can help in digestion also maintain regular blood sugar. Moreover, apples contain antioxidants that regulate brain health and help to fight against Alzheimer's. They can also strengthen the bones and keep good oral health. In short, it justifies the famous saying that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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