Tongue cancer is subdivided into different categories, with squamous cell carcinoma being one of them: SCC impacts the squamous cells, these are thin placed cells that cover all the exterior parts of the mouth and throat. This is one of the most common types of oral cancer that has the possibility of being very advanced in the event that the disease is discovered and treated late.
All about squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, its signs, causes and different available methods of treating the disease is very crucial in enhancing the survival of this disease.
Well we can say that This type of cancer can develop in the oral part of the tongue. This then leads to cancer which is visible in the mouth and in the base of the tongue. It is located near the throat. The type of cancer that a person has determines the place of the cancer and also the symptoms experienced by the patient and the mode of treatment.
This sore or ulcer does not heal, and is a common early sign of SCC of the tongue. This sore may be asymptomatic on onset however, it may progress to be painful or even bleed. It can be arterial or venous, and may present as a painful, red or white patch which can be rough, raised or even display a crusty top. When the tumor enlarges, during meals, the patient may develop pain or a sensation of burning when swallowing. This pain may only be confined to the tongue or may be referred to the jaws, neck or the ears. At times, this tumor makes the individual feel like there is a lump in the throat making it difficult to swallow. A swelling or enlargement of the tongue is another early sign of SCC; the tongue may feel suddenly thick. This lump may be seen or palpable at the time of examination of tongue with the help of fingers. That can cause problems with speaking, chewing and swallowing thus requiring special care when handling a person with the condition. Among the symptoms of the disease, some patients who are diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue complained of developing symptoms such as numbness or tingling of the tongue or other parts of the mouth. You can easily say that such a feeling may be the result of direct invasion. It can be due to the tumor to the nerves present in the related region.
Causes and Risk Factors
Smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes and use of smokeless tobacco products poses the largest risks to developing SCC of the tongue. Tobacco contains chemicals that attack the cell and break the DNA resulting in cancer. Another significant risk factor that has been considered for Increasing the likelihood of liver disease includes heavy intake of alcohol. Because both tobacco and alcohol are carcinogenic, synergistic use of these substances greatly increases the probability of SCC of the tongue. Bringing about persistent irritation to the tongue for instance through unsuitable dentures, poor dental hygiene as well as rough teeth surfaces can lead to SCC. Low consumption of fruits and vegetables might be a contributory factor to the development of oral cancers – SCC of the tongue in particular because of the vitamins and antioxidants that are expected to safeguard the cells from damage.
Prognosis and Follow-Up Care
You can say that The survival rate of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue surely depends on factors such as the extent of the disease upon the time of diagnosis. The site of the tumor, and the general health of the affected individual. First stages of SCC are less dangerous and have better prognosis than when the cancer is in advanced stages though the later may be more difficult to manage.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue is, in general, a malignant lesion that may result in the death of the patient if not diagnosed and treated early. Knowing the signs, causes, and management of the condition, people can minimize their risks and go for a check-up if they develop any signs of oral and throat problems. If diagnosed and managed early on, most of the patients with SCC of the tongue can manage the disease well and have a good prognosis.
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