Vitamin-D Deficiency: These people have the highest deficiency of Vitamin-D, revealed in a new study

Vitamin-D Deficiency: Lack of vitamin-D in the body causes health problems like bone weakness, hair loss and weak immunity. A new study has found that sugar patients are most affected by the deficiency of this vitamin. Let's know everything about this.

Vitamin-D Deficiency: Vitamin-D is a nutrient that is very essential for our body. Its deficiency causes weakness in the immune system and bones. Vitamin-D deficiency can also cause many serious diseases. A new research has come out on vitamin-D deficiency, in which it has been found that this vitamin is the lowest in diabetes patients. Let's know everything about this research.

What does the new study say?

This research was done by the British Medical Journal Nutrition (BMJ). Regarding this, a report published in Prevention and Health states that they did this study on the basis of 132 studies, in which they found that 60% of diabetes patients suffer from vitamin-D deficiency. For this study, they did testing on 52,000 diabetic people.

What else was found?

The research has found people suffering from deficiency of not just vitamin D but also magnesium and iron. According to Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) Rajasthan, the study has found many micronutrient deficiencies that can help people. In fact, diabetes patients suffer from deficiency of many vitamins and minerals due to the disease and fluctuations in sugar levels. This happens more in people with type-2 diabetes.

Why is Vitamin D necessary?

This vitamin is most important for our bones. Deficiency of this vitamin also causes calcium deficiency in the body. Apart from this, this vitamin is also necessary for immunity.

Signs of Vitamin-D deficiency

Pain in bones and joints.

Feeling tired and weak.

Weak immune system.

Hair loss.

Effects on mental health such as stress and tension.

Sunlight is the best source

The easiest and best source to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin-D is sunlight. By spending some time in the sunlight in the morning, our body gets enough Vitamin-D. Apart from this, for Vitamin-D, you can also eat dairy foods, orange, mushroom, radish and its leaves along with cashews in your diet.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Please speak with the relevant expert before putting any suggestions into action.. Or meet your doctor

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