Weight Loss Tips: Why is the weight loss diet of men different from that of ladies? Know from a nutritionist

Weight Loss Tips: Losing weight is a difficult task. For this we have to make a lot of efforts because being overweight also invites other diseases. Especially women should keep their weight balanced. Let's know the expert's advice on this.

Weight Loss Tips: To lose weight, we have to follow a good diet so that there is no nutritional deficiency in our body while losing weight. Actually, body weight should be controlled after a certain age because it can cause problems ranging from thyroid and heart disease to menopause in women. Also, at that age, it is necessary for the body to take protein instead of carbs and fat. Nutritionist and doctor Sonia Kochhar says that a major reason for women falling prey to diseases after a certain age is their unhealthy diet and weight. Let us know why there is a difference in the diet of men and women

Women are unable to take care of themselves

Nutritionists say that often the women of the house ignore their diet and cook what other people in the family like. Due to this, their mental state never includes the food of their choice, which satisfies them. At the same time, most women eat the food at the end of the meal at home, which is leftover. In such a situation, they are not able to get the nutrition as per their body's requirement.

Why is it important to lose weight?

However, she wants to explain that it is important to have a balanced weight. Being overweight increases the problems of lifestyle disorders. Being overweight in women also increases the amount of cholesterol. Cholesterol increases the risk of many other diseases. Therefore, women should manage both their nutritional profile and weight properly from the very beginning.

Why is the weight loss diet of men and women different?

Yes, according to the doctor, there is a lot of difference in the weight loss diet of men and women, because their physical needs and metabolism are different. There is also a difference in the hormones, muscle index and ability to burn calories in the body of a man and a woman. Therefore, their diet is also different.

What should be done?

The nutritionist says that women mostly sleep during the day after lunch, which is a common factor in weight gain. On the other hand, women do household chores and adopt it as exercise. Whereas, household chores can never replace exercise. If you want to lose weight, then walking, cycling or some cardio practice is necessary.

What should be the diet?

The nutritionist tells in the podcast show of Fit Rahe India that weight gain happens in a jiffy but with less effort. If a married woman is planning to lose weight after 5 years of her marriage, then she has to understand that this is not a 5-day task, it can take more than 5 months and neither can weight gain happen by eating healthy for one day. While choosing a diet, you have to take care of the blood group. The diet of every blood group will be different because the blood test will also clear which nutrient is lacking in the body or not.

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