What is Botox and How does it function

To embark on exploration of the possibility of the utilization of zinc let it be helpful to know something about Botox and how it functions. Botox treatments generally last from three to six months Depending on area treated, the dosage applied, and individual metabolism of the toxin. 

 The Zinc Connection: What is the Buzz? 

 Hype regarding zinc and Botox was predicated by one study that indicated that zinc could have a potential to prolong the activity of botulinum toxin. Zinc is a trace element that possesses a quite wide range of functions for an organism: it stimulates the immune system, aids in the processes of wound healing and protein synthesis. It is also thought to act as a cofactor to certain enzymes wherein it aids in the proper functioning of the said enzymes. In the case of Botox it is postulated that zinc is a cofactor for a certain enzyme called metalloproteinase.

The Role of Zytaze 

 This link between zinc and botox received more attention when Botox was introduced along with Zytaze, a prescription supplement which is taken alongside with the Botox treatment. Zytaze includes Zinc and Phytase, a kind of enzyme that aids the body in absorbing Zinc. The basis of operations of this company is that if the amount of zinc is boosted in a body then the effects of Botox will be more pronounced and will also last longer. A recent controlled trial showed that patients who took Zytaze for 4 days before their Botox procedure had a greater degree of improvement of their wrinkles than patients who did not take the supplement. 

 Is It Possible to Make Botox Longer with Zinc? 

Even though the theory between zinc supplementation and the duration of Botox remains a good idea, the research done in the area remains scant. There are testimonials showing that when taking zinc, either in the individual form or in Zytaze, the longevity of Botox treatment can be enhanced. Still, people are unique and, therefore, some might enjoy some benefits without having any great changes.  

 Zinc Deficiency 

 Perhaps one of the ways through which zinc can be beneficial to some people is if they are suffering from low zinc levels. Lack of zinc hinders the body’s capacity to respond to lip treatments such as Botox and other similar treatments. In addition, if you lack zinc in your body, taking zinc may even enhance the effectiveness of Botox injections. Nonetheless, if a person is already from the deficiency level in zinc, chances are taking more zinc will not necessarily affect him/her positively.  


 There are soluble forms of zinc, and the dosage form in which you take zinc greatly determines the amount your body is able to absorb. There are different types of zinc supplements available in the market, and these are zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, and zinc citrate. Some forms can be more bioavailable than others, which is the capability of entering the circulatory system and thus be assimilated by the body. Other nutrient supplements such as Zytaze which also has phytase enhances the absorption of zinc than normal zinc supplements.  

 What Zinc Dosage is Good for You? 

 Before starting with the use of zinc in order to get better results of Botox, one should consult a healthcare provider to find out the right amount he or she should use. Though zinc is actually good for health, when taken excessively, it can cause one to develop the following effects: vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. High levels of zinc intake for a long term may also lead to a decrease in the levels of other essential minerals in the body, for instance copper. 


 Zinc substitutes for Increasing the Effectiveness of Botox bogut Kas?m 27, 2020 Samuel Doe Allergan, botox, botox injection, facial muscles, zinc Leave a Comment for all the health-conscious men out there, who wish to get the best botox in the country but do not have the necessary amount of zinc, here is some good news that may knock off the socks! 

 Though, it is apparent that sometimes, some clients, having Zinc supplements in their diets are able to get longer staying power of the Botox injections. 

 Skin Care is Important: Take High-Quality Pictures 

 You should maintain your skin well so as to get better outcomes after the Botox has been administered. Wash your skin with mild solutions, apply lotions, and cover your skin with sunscreen to avoid skin Sagging. 

 Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure 

 This means that; there are chances of Sun damage to bring early wrinkles and fine lines skip into the surface quickly. Take problems on skin by using a protector every day and avoiding places where it is exposed to sun.  

 Conclusion: Is Zinc Worth trying? 

 However, there are not many studies on this subject yet; but from the information we have on this, zinc seems to have the potential of prolonging the Botox injections in the skin for individuals who are deficient in zinc. It is always wise to speak with your healthcare provider prior to taking more supplements if considering the addition of zinc supplements, the right amount as well as the type to take. As long as zinc isn’t quite the potion that can make Botox last longer, caring for your skin and overall health can never be a disadvantage in trying to look younger.

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