Why are cases of lung cancer increasing among non-smokers Study reveals

Cancer Cause: Smoking is considered to be the biggest culprit for cancer disease across the world, but despite the reduction in smoking, cases of lung cancer are increasing. What is the reason for this? Know in the report.

Cancer Cause: Today is World Cancer Day. On this occasion, we are telling you about a new research, which has found that cases of lung cancer are increasing rapidly in people even without smoking. A report published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine journal about this research states that 4 types of IARC have been investigated for cancer research, in which shocking revelations have been made. In fact, it has been found that cases of lung cancer are increasing rapidly even in people who do not smoke.

What does the research say?

According to the report of Lancet Respiratory Medicine, cases of lung cancer are increasing rapidly due to not smoking cigarettes because air pollution is also one of the most important causes of lung cancer. It has been called subtype lung cancer, the research of which was done in the year 2022. In this research, 50 to 70 percent of the people were those who do not smoke.

What is adenocarcinoma?

Adenocarcinoma is a type of lung cancer that develops in the glands that produce mucus in the body. Women are at a higher risk of this type of cancer. This cancer is not related to smoking. The cause of this lung cancer is air pollution. Polluted air, especially the presence of small particles such as PM2.5 and other harmful gases can increase the risk of lung cancer. Non-smokers can also be affected by exposure to this pollution.

How to prevent it?

According to experts, to prevent the increase in lung cancer cases, people need to avoid air pollution, harmful chemicals and carcinogens. Apart from this, regular medical checkups and following the right diet can also be helpful in reducing the risk of lung cancer.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Please speak with the relevant expert before putting any suggestions into action.. Or meet your doctor

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