Protein Benefits: Protein is considered an essential nutrient for our body. You must have often heard from people that our breakfast should be rich in protein. Protein is also important for women, let's know.
Protein Benefits: Protein is an essential element. It is considered very important to have protein in breakfast because it gives a healthy start to our day and we remain energetic throughout the day. Breakfast should contain at least 30 grams of protein because protein-packed food has a positive effect on our body. Many researches also reveal that protein intake in breakfast improves mental health. Women should also take protein in their breakfast. Let's know everything about this.
Why is protein important?
Having protein in breakfast is especially important for women, as it provides the body with energy and nutrition for the whole day. Here are some reasons why protein is important in breakfast. Protein helps in muscle growth and maintaining hormonal balance. Healthy enzymes are also formed in the body with the help of protein. It also strengthens the metabolism.
Important for women
Protein is important for everyone, but protein plays a special role in maintaining women's health. Women who are struggling with the problem of PMS should have protein in their diet as it maintains the hormonal imbalance of their body.
How to get 30 grams of protein?
Eggs, make an omelet of 2 or 3 eggs and eat it. You can also add some vegetables to it.
You can eat curd by adding flax seeds or some fruits to it.
Nuts and seeds, legumes, such as moong and chickpeas.
Milk and cheese.
Oats and quinoa.
Make a healthy peanut chaat and eat it for breakfast.
If needed, you can also take protein powder.
Signs of Protein Deficiency
Fatigue and weakness.
Hair loss and weak nails.
Frequent ill health and taking time to recover.
Muscle pain and joint pain.
Swelling in the body.
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